5 Reasons You Need CCTV Monitoring

5 Reasons You Need CCTV Monitoring

Having security cameras and CCTV monitoring systems is only growing in demand, and there are a range of benefits that show why they’re valuable. Learn about the top reasons in our latest guide.

Why you should consider having a secure system in place.

Having a security system can bring a multitude of benefits, with around 6 million cameras in use across the UK according to the BSIA. And this number only continues to grow.

The rate of cameras being installed and the level of security camera monitoring has grown massively since the 1980’s. In 2020, CCTV is present in almost every major location across the globe.

In London alone there are 66.7 CCTV cameras per 1,000 people designed to keep the public safe and secure within the city.

5 Benefits of CCTV Monitoring

It’s fairly common to find most buildings across the UK with a CCTV security system installed for added peace of mind and security.

In the modern world of smart home devices, consumers are even rigging their own living rooms with cameras and motion sensors for added peace of mind.

The number of cameras and security systems will continue to increase, especially as we navigate the COVID-19 outbreak. Controlling the number of entrants to a building has become increasingly important for workforces and those facing customers on a regular basis.

In general, it’s become commonplace to have surveillance cameras either at your home, where you work or within the public domain like shopping centres or train stations.

Here are the top 5 benefits to having CCTV monitoring in your home or business.

1. It’s a huge benefit to your security

Probably the biggest advantage to having a secure CCTV system is the added security you receive.

It’s a deterrent for potential thieves and can reduce the likelihood of any crime happening in the area. It can also be used for evidence if something did happen on your premises.

For added peace of mind at a place of business, if you have a well-trained security officer they can be kept in charge of maintaining order. The additional support you get with setting up a CCTV system will ensure your environment is kept as safe as it can be. You can find out more information by reading our physical security operations page.

2. They’re incredibly intelligent devices

In this modern era of technology, security systems can be self aware and are highly intelligent devices to have onsite.

SMART technology is built into our monitoring systems that can decipher changes in their own environment and initiate alerts.

This level of technology greatly assists CCTV monitoring if it’s installed appropriately and can be accessed easily by your team.

For any organisation that has a security system in place, then the main options are to have such cameras recording locally on site.

You could also have a signal sent to an external monitoring centre where you can monitor from a safe location.

Handling your CCTV remotely makes it easy to check on the places you would like kept secure at all times. As well as having an easy place to access any files should you need to access any of them.

This all relies on whether the organisation deems it necessary to have live monitoring and an immediate response in place, or whether they are confident that they will only need these recordings for evidential purposes.

As with other areas of security, CCTV monitoring also has industry standards and different levels of accreditation associated with it.

3. You can control who enters your premises

More commonly used now as an added tool for CCTV monitoring is a tannoy system, which allows real-time interaction with those on-site.

This feature can be used to challenge unauthorised persons on site and to inform them that a response is on route, through to confirming the eligibility of those on site by requesting identification to be held up to the camera.

At CTR, we also provide asset or person tracking which can keep staff and potential customers safe at all times, but to further ensure that no unwanted personnel enter your premises.

4. You can build a secure system for your business

Having a CCTV system in place can allow you to put together a strategy for great health and safety procedures within your workplace.

This could include:

  • Procedures on what to do if an employee is in an area where they have unauthorised access
  • Ensures health and safety procedures are adhered to
  • Can spot suspicious activity around the site
  • Actions on witnessing a general incident
  • Levels of reporting and who to report to

It is also worth noting that the CCTV monitoring centre should also have every camera geo-referenced on a map so that the operator knows exactly where the site is located. This can be as simple as naming them the rooms they’re located in for ease of mind.

There should be information on keyholders, landowners, access, local police stations and any other relevant information.

This information can then be easily accessed in the unlikely event of a break in or any other criminal activity.

5. Insurance companies can use CCTV for any claims made

Even if an insurance dispute doesn’t affect you or the premises directly, insurance companies could contact you for safe use of recorded footage.

They may ask for this if they believe an incident they’re dealing with has been recorded on your cameras.

From a personal point of view, you can also reduce your overall insurance payments on your home or business if you state that you have security cameras in use.

Insurers believe that they add an extra layer of security if you have a home security system, deterring possible threats around your area and as well as something that may come in handy at one point in time.

Every week, according to Almas, fraudulent car insurance claims cost the UK £25m. Having CCTV footage to back up claims is now a sought-after addition when making an insurance claim.

Summary: Why you need CCTV Monitoring

Whatever your use for CCTV then it’s important that your team are trained and have permission to use the area’s surveillance systems whenever needed.

CCTV monitoring can be conducted safely and securely as well as adding an extra layer of security to your place of work, home or other place of business. And it may bring more than just these 5 benefits.

CTR Secure Services offer a wide range of monitoring and security solutions that can be tailored to your business. This can be personalised down to the specific installation requirements, creating covert CCTV solutions or providing a security plan based on your location and business.

We’re proud to provide a holistic approach to our security monitoring and protection solutions.

Read more about CCTV monitoring.