Thermoeyes tablet camera – helping business kepp staff and customers safe during the pandemic


ThermoEyes Tablet Camera identifies people with higher temperatures and alerts the designated  administrator through the ThermoEyes App, which is included with the hardware.

Thermo Solution PECAL AB own the whole value chain. The app software is developed by us and the data is on our own servers. We also have a few other products in our portfolio, such as the DanaLock V3 automatic wireless door lock, which can be connected and used in conjunction with the tablet camera and app. Other smaller camera models are available that can read body temperature although the main product for agents to focus on is the ThermoEyes Tablet Camera.

The product list:

  • ThermoEyes Tablet Camera with small, medium, and large stands that include an automatic hand sanitiser dispenser. The app is also included.
  • DanaLock V3 – Automatic door lock.
  • K9/K9Pro – Dispenser with palm temperature reader.
  • Body temperature screening camera that works with the app.
  • A range of in-demand products that businesses will want to keep premises open, safe, and show they are series about their duty of care to everyone on the site.

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